Trackdown Transcript


"WALKER, TEXAS RANGER" and other related entities are owned, (TM) and © by Amadea Film Productions, Cannon Television, The Rudy Grief Company and Topkick Productions in association with CBS Television and Columbia TriStar Television. All Rights Reserved. This transcript is posted here without their permission, approval, authorization or endorsement. Any reproduction, duplication, distribution or display of this material in any form or by any means is expressly prohibited. It is absolutely forbidden to use it for commercial gain.


(in Walker's truck)

Radio: Well, folks, its another triple digit day here in Dallas. So ya'll just keep your air conditioners on. Here's a little something to keep the heat off those high electricity bills.

Trivette: Now, Walker, I don't need to tell you the stock market's been a little volatile lately, right?

Walker: That's right, Trivette. You don't have to tell me.

Trivette: Real estate's coming back but I'm beginning to feel like I'm six months behind the curb.

Walker: How about a year?

Trivette: No, I'm serious.

Walker: So am I, Trivette. And the answer's no.

Trivette: You don't even know what my idea is here.

Walker: Trivette, I have finally saved a little money from the last investment you got me into. So I don't want to hear about it.


(at the Lopez's apartment)

Carmen: Hector, what are you doing here?

Hector: I got fired, that's what I'm doing.

Carmen: Fired?

Hector: For stealing.

Carmen: You didn't.

Hector: Of course I didn't but Dunbar says if I make any noise he'll take it up with the police. I can't let him get away with this.

Carmen: Hector, where are you going?

Hector: To get my money from Dunbar.


(at the Stranton Auto Body)

Hector: (flashes back) I got fired.

Carmen: That's okay, baby. We'll make it.

Hector: No food, no job, no money...

Carmen: I can ask my uncle.

Hector: No! I don't take any handouts; you know that Carmen.

(end of flashback)

Dunbar: I thought I told you were fired.

Hector: I came for my pay, Mr. Dunbar.

Dunbar: You stole from me, boy.

Hector: I never stole anything and you know it.

Dunbar: Are you calling me a liar?

Hector: I'm not calling you nothing, all right? I just want what you owe me.

Dunbar: Why don't you just go on welfare.

Hector: You owe me two week's pay. (Dunbar smacks Hector and Hector grabs a bottle and smashes it into Dunbar's face. Dunbar hits the counter and is kinda knocked out. Hector opens a case with money and takes some money)

Hector: You tell him when he wakes up I took $400 for the two weeks pay.

Man: Dunbar, Dunbar, get up. (Hector leaves)


(in Walker's truck)

Trivette: Walker----

Walker: No, no, no.

Trivette: Walker----

Walker: No, Trivette, no.

Dispatcher: Attention all units. A 211 reported at Stranton Auto Parts. 25th and Central. Suspect's heading west on Central in a blue Chevy Malibu.

Walker: We're on Central. (the blue car passes them) There he is. (chase him)

Trivette: This is Rangers Walker and Trivette. Suspect sited west on Fraser. (Hector turns suddenly and narrowly misses a mother and baby crossing the lot. Hector smashes into a car)

Hector: (Walker and Trivette run over and check on Hector) Are they...are they all right?

Trivette: Take it easy.

Hector: The lady and the baby...are they all right?

Walker: Yeah, they're fine.

Trivette: I'll get a paramedic.

Walker: Okay, just take it easy. You'll be okay.


(Alex's office)

Walker: A penny for your thoughts.

Alex: Hi!

Walker: Hi!

Alex: I was just thinking about when I was lying in that hospital bed that I needed to do something more with my life.

Walker: Like what?

Alex: Like give something back. I mean, all I do is out people behind bars. What about the victims? What about all the people that really need help wand have no way of getting it?

Walker: What is it you want to do?

Alex: I want to open up a non-profit center for the needy with legal aid, day care, job placement....

Walker: Do you plan on quitting the D.A.'s office?

Alex: No! I don't want to quit, I just want to do more.

Walker: Well, I think, if you want to do more, then you should do more. (they kiss)

Receptionist: Ms. Cahill, Detective Sandoval's here to see you.

Alex: Send him in. We're in the office, stop it!

Carlos: (opens the door and knocks) Hi, Walker.

Walker: Carlos.

Carlos: Alex, sorry to bother you but....I need a favor.

Alex: What is it?

Carlos: Can you check on a Hector Lopez for me? He was picked up this morning.

Walker: Yeah, I picked him up. Why are you interested?

Carlos: He's my niece's husband. I just talked to him - he says he worked at Stranton's Auto Parts for two weeks and when it came time to be paid, the boss accused him of stealing.

Alex: Well, did he press charges?

Carlos: No, see, this boss of his accuses him of stealing and if he raises a ruckus about it he'll go to the cops. So Hector winds up going back down there, knocks the guy out and taking what he says he was owed.

Walker: Hmmm. Alex. Would you check with the prosecuting attorney? Find out what he plans on doing.

Alex: No problem. I'll see what I can find out. Excuse me.

Carlos: He's a good kid, Walker. I mean he was too young when he married my niece, but he's a hardworker and he won't go on welfare and he won't take food stamps; won't even take help from me.

Walker: Let's go talk to your niece.


(at the Lopez's apartment)

Carmen: I know you were against the whole marriage from the very beginning. You just don't like him. (pours them all a glass of juice)

Carlos: No, you two were just so young.

Carmen: Maybe we were Carlos, but I love him so much. He's never been in trouble in his life, although he could've been, easy.

Walker: How's that?

Carmen: Just on account of where he came from. No mother, no father. At least no one around.

Carlos: She's right, Walker. She's right. I mean, the kid has a lit of pride and he's tried hard to make a better life for his family.

Carmen: You see, Hector has this idea of the way things should be. He was going to give our baby all the things he never had time, love and attention. Whatever Hector did, he didn't do it for himself, he did it for us. For our family. (goes over to attend to the crying baby)


(at the station)

Alex: Walker, Carlos. I talked to the D.A. that took Hector's case. He called it a slam dunk. Armed robbery and assault with a deadly weapon.

Carlos: What deadly weapon?

Alex: They said he had a gun.

Walker: I didn't find a gun in the car.

Alex: Well, Hector's boss swears he had a gun and he has two witnesses to back him u. So unless you come up with something solid on Hector's behalf, he could be looking at hard time.

Walker: Thanks, Alex.

Alex: Sure.


(at the jail)

Hector: (sees them) What do you want?

Walker: I want to hear the whole story.

Hector: I already told Carlos.

Walker: I want to hear it from you.

Hector: The truth? Someone like me takes money from a guy like Dunbar. The truth is whatever the man says it is.

Carlos: Hector, why don't you just tell Walker what happened?

Hector: My buddies told me not to mess with Dunbar. He'd burn me like he did the others.

Walker: urn you? How?

Hector: Get me to work and come payday, fires me for stealing. That's his game. I never stole anything in my life. Before this, anyway.

Walker: Did you go there with the intent of robbing him?

Hector: No! Carlos, I swear it! I went to ask for my money; the money he owed me, and I was cool about it. And what does he do? Knocks me down.

Walker: He hit you?

Hector: Yeah. Mr. Heavyweight sucker punch me so I clocked him with a bottle. He crashed into a counter and was out like a light. I took what he owed me and booked it.

Carlos: He said you had a gun.

Hector: What? No, Carlos! I never mess with guns. You know Carmen would never let me have one even if I wanted one. Dunbar lied about that, like he lies about everything.

Walker: Thanks, Hector.


(in the bus and entering prison)

Judge: (flashback) Although you have no prior criminal record, Mr. Lopez, I am forced by the letter of the law. I hereby sentence you to one year to Denton minimum security prison, three year's probation and two hundred hours of community sentence. The court is adjourned.

Carmen: (they kiss and hug) Hector! Hector!

(end of flashback)

Man: Welcome to Denton prison guy. Move inside.

Kelton: Wilson, aggravated assault, three years. Deluged, grand theft auto, two years. Ryan, embezzling, four years. Lopez, armed robbery, one year? Judge Woodruff must be getting soft in his old age. Lucky....Hector. All right, girls, listen up. And I'm going to tell you something right now- I don't give a damn how you do your time. If you screw up, you'll wish you never met me.


(Stranton Auto Parts)

Dunbar: I said you're fired! (hits the man)

Walker: You're pretty good at suckerpunching people, aren't you, Dunbar?

Dunbar: Hey, buster, I was a pro boxer.

Walker: Is that a fact.

Dunbar: Yeah.

Walker: Well, I tell you what. (takes off his hat) I'll let you throw the first punch. (Dunbar tries to punch him a couple of times but Walker blocks hem) That was two punches, Dunbar. You must have been a lousy fighter.

Dunbar: I'm gonna smash your face and break your head so hard your children are going to be born with a headache.

Walker: Too bad you can't as well as you talk. (beats him to the ground)


(in the prison)

(the prisoners are milling around a room with tables and Hector is sitting by himself, looking at a picture with his family)

Eddy: So, how's that kid of yours?

Hector: Hangin' in there.

Eddy: Aw, listen, that uh, Texas Ranger that you were talking about, what's him name?

Hector: Walker.

Eddy: Is he still pushing to get you out of here?

Hector: Yeah. He's turned out to be a really good friend.

Eddy: Good. See, what I was thinking was, uh, after you're out, maybe you could tell him about some of the stuff Kelton and the other guards are pulling. The drugs, the numbers, the beatings.

Hector: Eddy, I told you I don't want to know about that stuff.

Eddy: But its not right, man. Somebody's gotta stop Kelton.

Hector: It doesn't concern me. I'm going to be out of here real soon and I don't want Kelton or that other stuff to get in the way. I'm sorry, Eddy, I'm really sorry. (walks away)


(at the station)     

Carlos: You guys wanted to see me?

Trivette: Yeah. We busted Dunbar today. His two witnesses changed their story real fast and Hector's being released.

Carlos: Today?

Walker: Yeah, and we thought you'd like to tell Carmen yourself.

Carlos: Thanks a lot, guys, thanks a lot. (heads out the door)


(at the prison)

(Eddy's washing the floor and watching the men talking at the far end of the hall)

Kelton: Hey, man, you got the money? It was a good week. Looks like we'll retire sooner rather the later. Hey, keep up the good work, the both of you.

(Eddy bumps into Kelton accidentally when he walks by and snatches his notebook)

Kelton: Hey! Hey!

Eddy: Sorry, boss. Sorry.

Kelton: Pay attention. You'll get out of here quicker.

Eddy: (mutters as Kelton leaves) Got your book, Kelton.


(outside a building)

Alex: I'm so excited, Walker. My dream is coming true! Thank you for helping me out. Now I've gotta come up with a name for it.

Walker: Well, I'm sure it'll be great.

Alex: You know, I just want to help our people.

Walker: Help out people. Help our people. H-O-P. How about Help Our People Excel? H-O-P-E.

Alex: That's brilliant! Ah!(kisses him) You're so smart.

Walker: I have my moments.

Alex: You have you moments, don't you?


(at the prison)

Eddy: (approaches Hector who's standing by the gates) Hey, Hector.

Hector: I was worried I wasn't going to get to say goodbye to you.

Eddy: You're heading out, huh?

Hector: In about an hour.

Eddy: Hey, great! Hey, listen, I got something for you. Sort of a going away present.

Hector: What is it?

Eddy: Its Kelton's book. It's the one that he keeps track of all his drug deals in.

Hector: I don't want any part in that, all right?

Eddy: I know! That's what makes it so perfect. You're getting out and Kelton can't touch you. But if you go and give this to you Ranger friend, he can fry Kelton once and for all. It'll make it a hell of a lot better for us stiffs who've still got time to do. Here, come on, take this.

Hector: I don't know.

Eddy: Hey, come on, lad. I never asked you because I didn't want to risk you getting put on Kelton's bad side. And I didn't want to blow your chances for a early out, but now you're getting out and no one needs to know where this came from. You need to give it to the right people, that's all. Please, come on, take it ,please. You're a good lad, Hector. Who knows? I might even get a chance someday to see you on the outside. Good luck! (Hector takes the notebook and Eddy walks away)

Kelton: (him and a couple of guards rush Eddy and hold him) Come here, Eddy. I want to talk to you. Eddy, where's my book?

Eddy: (trying to struggle) What book? I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know! (Kelton stabs Eddy, then notices Hector's watching by the fence and starts to fun after him. Hector runs over to a truck and steals it and smashes through a gate)

Kelton: Bastard!

(Deserted road)

(the search begins on a deserted road where the people have gathered and Carlos drives up with Carmen)

Carlos: You better stay here until I find out what's going on. Excuse me, do you know where can I find the warden?

Warden: You found him. Who are you?

Carlos: Detective Sandoval, D.P.D. I was just down at the prison to puck up my nephew and they wouldn't give me any information. They just said to come down here and talk to you.

Warden: What's your nephew's name?

Carlos: Lopez. Hector Lopez.

Warden: hate to tell you this, detective, but Lopez killed a man this morning in the yard.

Carlos: Killed a man? What, Hector?

Warden: And then he escaped, commandeered that truck and ran the gates. We'll catch him. My chief guard Kelton's never had one get away.

Carlos: This doesn't make any sense, Warden. Hector's getting out today.

Warden: I don't know what to tell you, detective. He got away.

Carlos: Let me go with them Warden. He'll listen to me.

Warden: All right, son.

Carmen: What is it?

Carlos: They're saying Hector escaped.

Carmen: No! Why?

Carlos: I don't know but I'll find out. Call Walker and tell him what happened.


(at a building)

(Trivette and Walker are busy beating up a bunch of men)

Trivette: One word for you, Walker.

Walker: What?

Trivette: Emus.

Walker: Emus?

Man: Son of a---- Ow! (Trivette knocks him out)

Trivette: Emu ranches. Big bird, tasty birds low in fat. Meat of the future.

Walker: Are you talking as an investment?

Trivette: No, No, why? (answers ringing cell phone) Trivette. Wait, he's here, okay. Carmen Lopez, there's a problem. (hands phone to Walker)

Walker: Yeah, Carmen? When? Okay, I'll be right up there. (hangs up) Can you finish up?

Trivette: Yeah, absolutely. Walker....

Walker: No, Trivette.


(in the woods)

Hector: flashback) I love you both so much! (hugs his family)

Jones: Let's go, let's go! You get it? Get them on that trail!

Man: Warden?

Warden: Just taking two men with you?

Kelton: Hell, that's all I need to catch a punk like Lopez.

Warden: Well, you've got a third now; Detective Sandoval. He'll be riding with you.

Kelton: I don't want him riding with us, Warden.

Warden: I'm in charge and I say he's riding with you. He knows Lopez. Maybe he'll talk him in.

Kelton: Get him a horse. You can ride a horse, can't you? (Carlos just stares at them)

Hector: (runs from them)(flashback) Look how big you are! (holds baby)

(end of flashback)

Jones: (to dogs) Nose down, track him, track him!

Kelton: What the hell you doing here anyways? (riding alongside Carlos and they are riding horses)

Carlos: That's my business.

Kelton: And shooting escaped prisoners is mine.

Jones: Captain, there he is! (they spot Hector running through the trees)

Carlos: (the men pull out their guns) Hey, hey! Put those guns away! Put it down! There'll be no shooting here.

Kelton: What are you talking about?

Carlos: I'm going to bring back that prisoner alive and that's what we're gonna do.

Kelton: All right, go talk to him.

Carlos: Put it down! (guns were still drawn) Come on! Hector! Its me, Carlos! (Carlos goes chasing after Carlos on his horse through the woods)

Jones: That kid's gonna spill his guts.

Carlos: Hector! Hector! Its me, Carlos! Hector! (grabs Hector by the shirt ad falls off the hose, both tumbling; to the ground)

Hector: They're gonna kill me! They're gonna kill me!

Carlos: No one's going to kill you!

Hector: Kelton is! I saw him stab Eddy! That's why I ran! (someone fires a shot at them and Carlos goes down to the ground, still)

Hector: (lying by Carlos) Carlos! Carlos! Carlos!

Carlos: (rolls over) Ahhh! Move! (they stand up and start running. Carlos's gun is broken)

Jackson: I can't believe it! I hit him! You saw it, right?

Kelton: Yeah. Doug, find him! Let's go!

(Carlos and Hector are running)

Carlos: Why did Kelton kill Eddy?

Hector: Because of this. (takes out the notebook and hands it to Carlos) Eddy gave it to me. Kelton, Jackson and Peters are running all sorts of drug deals through the prison . Eddy says it proves it and they killed him for it. Oh, my God! (the men catch up with them)


(Deserted road)

(Walker arrives on the scene)

Carmen: Ranger Walker, I'm so scared! They should have been back by now!

Warden: Hello, Walker.

Walker: Hello, Jim. What's going on?

Warned: I don't know. I can't even raise my chief guard Kelton on the radio.

Walker: Where'd they go?

Warden: White Rock Mesa.

Walker: I know a back way in. Can I get a horse?

Warden: You got it!


(In the woods)

(Carlos and Hector stop running for a minute)

Hector: I don't hear them anymore.

Carlos: They're coming, trust me.


(men are still tracking them)

Jones: They left the stream here, Captain.


(Carlos and Hector are still resting)

Carlos: Yeah, Hector, I know you I've been kind of hard on you these past couple of years.

Hector: Yeah, maybe I deserved it.

Carlos: Yeah, but, but, uh, I just wanted you to know I'm really proud of you for trying to do the right thing.

Hector: Thanks, Carlos. Thanks a lot! Oh, man, you are right. They are still coming! (they take off)


(the men are getting closer)

Jackson: Come on, find them. Nose down! (talking to the dogs)

Jones: We're close captain!


(Hector falls down a little hill and as he lays on the ground, a wolf comes up, growling and bearing his teeth at him)

Walker: (comes up on a horse) Don't move!( he kneels down and takes off his hat, looking the wolf straight in the eye and the wolf finally leaves. Walker goes over to Hector) You okay?

Hector: Now I've seen everything.. (gets up as Carlos walks down the hill)

Carlos: Boy, am I sure glad to see you!

Walker: What's going on, Carlos?

Carlos: Some of the guards are running a dug ring in prison. They killed an inmate who had the proof and pinned it on Hector.

Walker: What proof?

Carlos: (hands him the notebook) Oh, its right here.

Walker: Are they the ones chasing you?

Carlos: Yep. Where are you going? (Walker goes into the woods) You al right?

Hector: You see that?

Carlos: Yeah. (Walker cones back with a weed and spreads it around the ground)

Hector: What is that?

Walker: Something to stop the dogs.

Hector: Hey, I hear them!

Walker: Yeah. Okay let's get out of here.

Carlos: all right. (they leave)


(still searching)

Jones: Come on, dogs. (they sniff the weed and suddenly stop, wheezing)

Kelton: What the hell's going on, Jones?

Jones: I don't know, Kelton. (sniffs the weed and suddenly has a sneezing attack)

Kelton: What is it?

Jones: Some kind of pollen. Strong. Like sneezing powder.

Kelton: Can they track?

Jones: No way. I have to get them out of here.

Jackson: What are we going to do now, captain? We don't need them. We're close. I can feel it.


(Carlos, Walker and Hector stop running)

Walker: Okay, Hector, Get on that horse and get out of here.

Hector: What are you guys going to do?

Walker: Take care of these guys.

Carlos: Go on, get out of here.

Walker: (noticing Carlos's broken gun) What happened?

Carlos: Oh, I got lucky.

Walker: Here, take mine.

Carlos: What are you going to use? No, never mind!

(Walker starts to fight the men and Carlos goes after a couple of them)

Carlos: Don't even think about it! (shoots the man trying to run) (someone shoots at Carlos and he ducks as Walker beats Kelton and finally knocks him out. Carlos goes looking for the last man in the woods and the man takes aim at Carlos's back)

Hector: Watch out, Carlos! (runs into the man with his horse and the man goes flying to the ground)

Carlos: (comes over to Hector) Thanks.

Hector: I owed you one.

(Walker comes over to them)

Carlos: Thanks. (hands Walker his gun back)

Walker: You bet. Don't take orders very well, do you, Hector?

Carlos: Thank God he doesn't.

Hector: I'm hungry.

Carlos: (laughs) I hear you!


(at C.D.'s bar)

Alex: Due to circumstances, Hector, the judge had dropped all the charges.

Hector: I can't thank you enough for all the help and you believing in me.

Alex: My pleasure.

C.D. To celebrate Hector's release, we got you something real special, partner!

Hector: All right!

Trivette: Emu burgers.

Walker: Emu burgers?

C.D. Yeah. Emu burgers. They're lean, tasty and healthy for you.

Trivette: All you need to think about is investing. This is the meat of the future.

Carlos: What's an emu? (looking confused and Walker just shrugs)

C.D. It's a big bird, Carlos. A big bird.

Walker: Bird burgers. (Carlos nods)

C.D. My partner and I hear just invested quite a little money in it and e like to think we're getting in the ground floor.

Alex: Ground floor? The emu market peaked a couple of years ago. Where have you guys been?

Trivette: You sure?

C.D. (hits Trivette with his hat) Dagonit! I swore I'd never listen to you again!



Original Airdate (CBS): 03-OCT-98

